Lesson 039&40 Don’t drop it! 单词列表 12


/frʌnt/n. 前面

adjective [原级]前面的,正面的;起掩护作用的;(语音)(元音)舌前的;(18穴高尔夫球场的)前9穴的;(足球等)踢前锋的 - They nail shut the front door.

noun [抽象名词]前面;(战争的)前线,前方;方面,领域;(非法或秘密活动的)掩护物,幌子 - Bags I sit in the front seat!

verb [vt. 及物动词]在……担任领唱;主持(广播或电视节目);(建筑物,土地)面向;提供资金;领导,代表;<古> 面临,对抗;给(某物)装正面(或面);以舌前位发(元音);(语言学)将(句子成分)前置;<澳新> 露面,到达 - He was dozing in front of the TV.

in front of 在...之前

  • The man is in front of the car. 在车的前面
  • The man is in the front of the car. 在车的前坐位

in front of

🇬🇧/ɪn frʌnt əv/ 🇺🇸/ɪn frʌnt ʌv/prep. 在…之前

preposition [位置和方向]在......前面:表示某物或某人位于另一物体或人的前方。 - He was dozing in front of the TV.


🇬🇧/ˈkeəf(ə)l/ 🇺🇸/ˈkerf(ə)l/adj. 小心的,仔细的

adjective [原级]仔细的,小心的;谨慎的,周密的 - The trip needs careful planning.

Be careful while handling fragile items. 搬运易碎物品时要小心。

be careful

🇬🇧/bi ˈkeəf(ə)l/ 🇺🇸/biː ˈkerf(ə)l/v. 小心

noun [抽象名词]小心;当心 - 'Be careful!' he yelled.


🇬🇧/drɒp/ 🇺🇸/drɑːp/v. 掉下
If a level or amount drops or if someone or something drops it, it quickly becomes less. 使迅速下降; 迅速下降

verb [vt. 及物动词]投,丢;躺倒;剔除,除名;停止,放弃;中途卸客,中途卸货;寄,送,写(信);(道路、地面等)急剧向下倾斜;突然终止与(某人)的(恋爱)关系;(使)掉落;减少,降低 - Temperatures can drop to freezing at night.  晚上气温能陡降到零度以下。

noun [抽象名词]滴,少量;下降;落差;<非正式>递送,交付;<美>邮政信箱,邮筒;(赃物、非法物、秘密物品的)藏匿处;垂幕,升降幕;(绞刑架的)下落板 - He was prepared to take a drop in wages.  他准备好了接受一次工资的快速下调。

  • Don't drop it! 不要掉下来!
  • Don't drop the glass; it might break.
  • Don't drop the fragile item!


🇬🇧/vɑːz/ 🇺🇸/veɪs/n. 花瓶

noun [专属名词]花瓶,(装饰用的)瓶 - What am I bid for this vase?

vases 花瓶(复数)

  • She placed a bouquet of flowers in the vase.
  • The shelves were filled with various vases of different shapes.


🇬🇧/ˈflaʊə(r)/ 🇺🇸/ˈflaʊər/n. 花

noun [专属名词]花,开花植物;精华,最好的部分 - The flower opens to reveal a bee.

verb [vi. 不及物动词]开花;繁荣,兴旺 - Cut the flower stems on the slant.

flowers 花(复数)

  • She received a beautiful flower as a gift.
  • The garden was adorned with colorful flowers.

show *

🇬🇧/ʃəʊ/ 🇺🇸/ʃoʊ/v. 给…看

verb [vt. 及物动词]显示,表明;给……看,出示;(通过示范)教,解说;指给某人看,指出;带领,引领;(情感、品质等的)流露,表露;(对某人)表现出,对待;显示出,流露出;容易显出,容易看到;标示,表明(信息、时间、计量);描绘,表现(为);放映,播出;展示,展出;<非正式> 证明,表明;如约赶到,露面 - She's the star of the show !

noun [抽象名词]演出,歌舞表演;(电视或广播)节目;展览,展览会;(体现内心感受的)动作,行为;装出的样子,虚假的外观;鲜艳悦目的景象;<非正式> 事情,场面;<非正式> 表现;动物比赛;场面,场合;<非正式> 滑稽场面,洋相;(分娩或月经时的)见红,现血,血先露;<非正式> (做某事的)机会,时机 - She left directly after the show.


/send/v. 送给
When you send someone something, you arrange for it to be taken and delivered to them, for example, by mail. 邮寄; 发送

verb [双宾语动词]邮寄,发送;传达,告知;派遣,打发,安排去;使快速(或猛然)移动;使作出(某种反应),使表现出(某种行为);排放,排出(烟或化学反应的产生物等);<非正式> 使着迷,使入迷 - I sent a copy to the school principal.  我寄了一份复印件给校长。

  • send a letter 寄信
  • send sth. to sb. /send sb. sth. 给某人送(寄)什么东西
  • send a card / a message / a letter
  • send me a card = send a card to me

send/take children to school:

take 强调某人亲自送;send 则是通过第三人去送, 如美国的校车

  • take flowers to his wife 自己送
  • send flowers to his wife  叫店里的人送

post *

🇬🇧/pəʊst/ 🇺🇸/poʊst/v. 寄送
If you post notices, signs, or other pieces of information somewhere, you attach them to a wall or board so that everyone can see them. 张贴

noun [抽象名词]<英>邮政,邮递;<英>邮件,包裹;<英>收集(或投递)邮件的时间,邮班;(尤指重要的)工作,职位;岗位,工作地点;哨岗,哨位;营区,军营;柱,杆,桩;(赛马的)起点标杆,终点标杆(the post);球门柱;邮报(用于某些报纸名称中);帖子,在线留言板上的信息;<美>驻军,卫戍部队;<美>退伍军人协会地方分会;篮球场上篮筐附近的区域;策应位置 - There was no post except the usual junk addressed to the occupant.  除了寄给住户的常见的垃圾邮件之外,没有其他邮件。

verb [vi. 不及物动词]<英>邮寄,投递;<英>把(信件等)投入邮筒;<英>把……放入(或塞入);派驻,委派; 使驻守,布置……站岗;;张贴(标志、通知等),公布;宣布,公布(尤指财务报表);支付(尤指保释金等);宣布(军人)失踪(或死亡);(运动员,参赛队)取得(成绩),创造(纪录);(在因特网上)公布信息,发帖子 - Officials began posting warning notices.  官员们开始张贴警示布告。

preposition [位置和方向]在……之后 - Keep me posted on your progress.  让我及时知道你的进展。

① vt. 派任,委派(与人连用)

  • I must definitely get that fellow posted.
  • Two months ago, Horst was posted to Paris.

② vt. 邮寄(与物连用,美语用 mail)

  • He posted me a Christmas card last year.
  • Would you please post this parcel for me?

take *

/teɪk/v. 带给
If you take something, you reach out for it and hold it. 拿

verb [vt. 及物动词]携带,拿走;带去,引领;把…...带到(另一个层次、层面等);拿,取;移走,拿走;偷走,误拿;取材于,收集;攻占,控制;选中,买下;经常购买(某报纸或期刊);吃,服用;减去;记录,摘录;照相,摄影;量取,测定;就(座);以…...为例;接受,收取;接纳,接待(顾客、患者等);遭受,经受;忍受,容忍 - Here, let me take your coat. 来,我帮你拿大衣。

noun [抽象名词](一次拍摄的)镜头,场景;收入量;<美>(入场券的)售得金额;看法,态度;(印刷)一次排版量 - She couldn't get it right – she never knew the lines and we had to do several takes. 她就是做不好–她一直不熟悉台词,我们只好一个镜头拍好几次。

bring *

/brɪŋ/v. 带来
If you bring someone or something with you when you come to a place, they come with you or you have them with you. 带来

verb [vt. 及物动词]拿来,带来; 使……转入(新的话题);移动;使处于某种状况;导致,引起;起诉;提供;强迫(自己)做;标价,售价为 - If you bring something somewhere, you move it there. 把…移动到  Reaching into her pocket, she brought out a cigarette.  她把手伸进口袋,拿出一根香烟。

反义词:take [teɪk] : v. 带 走

bring sth.\sb. to…

  • Bring your new girlfriend to me. 把你的新女朋友带来。

take sth.\sb. to…

  • He took this ring to his wife. 他把这个戒指带给了他老婆。