Lesson 073&74 The way to King Street 单词列表 20


/wiːk/n. 周
A week is a period of seven days. Some people consider that a week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. 星期

noun [专属名词]星期,周;一个星期的时间,一周;一周工作时间,工作周;(除去星期六和星期日的)星期,周;活动周(举行某项活动的一周);(从某天算起的)一周;(某天之前的)一周;一周又一周,接连好几个星期 - A week is a period of about seven days. 一周时间

  • 这 周 :this week 
  • 上 周 :last week
  • 下周:next week


/ˈlʌndən/n. 伦敦

noun [专属名词]伦敦 - We always get lost in London.


/ˈsʌd(ə)nli/adv. 突然地
If something happens suddenly, it happens quickly and unexpectedly. 突然地

adverb [方式副词]突然地,出乎意料地 - We were suddenly disconnected.

bus stop

/ˈbʌs stɒp/n. 公共汽车车站
A bus stop is a place on a road where buses stop to let passengers on and off. 公交车站

noun [专属名词]公共汽车站 - I saw Louise walking slowly to the bus stop.


/bʌs/n. 公共汽车
A bus is a large motor vehicle that carries passengers from one place to another. Buses drive along particular routes, and you usually have to pay to travel in them. 公共汽车

noun [专属名词]公共汽车 - They got chucked off the bus.

verb [vt. 及物动词]乘公共汽车 - . I didn't take the first bus.


🇬🇧/stɒp/ 🇺🇸/stɑːp/v. 停
If you have been doing something and then you stop doing it, you no longer do it. 停止

verb [vi. 不及物动词]使)停止,结束;(使)中断;(机器等)停止运转;(汽车或火车)停靠;暂时中断(以便做某事);防止,阻拦;戒除(习性);堵塞;(旅途中)逗留,停留;<英,非正式>(在某人家)短暂停留;停付,扣除;<非正式>被(子弹)击中 - Why didn't he stop me?

noun [专属名词]停止,终止;车站;<美>停车路口;(旅行中的)逗留,停留;塞音;(风琴的)音栓;(管风琴的)音管;(让银行)止付;救球;<英>句号;掣子,止动器;掣索;光圈;(桥牌)大牌,控制牌 - He was headed for the bus stop.


/smaɪl/v. 微笑

verb [vi. 不及物动词]微笑;微笑着说,以微笑表示;现出(笑容);觉得好笑,觉得高兴;惠及,赞许 - His face cracked into a smile.

noun [具体名词]微笑,笑容;一脸笑意,喜滋滋的(all smiles) - Her face creased into a smile.

laugh [lɑːf] [læf] :  v./ n. 大 笑

  • He said and smiled.
  • She is telling me a story with a smile.
  • They are talking and laughing.


🇬🇧/ˈplezntli/ 🇺🇸/ˈplezntli/adv. 愉快地

adverb [关系副词]愉快地;和蔼地,亲切地;友好地 - We talked pleasantly of old times.


🇬🇧/ˌʌndəˈstænd/ 🇺🇸/ˌʌndərˈstænd/v. 懂,明白
If you understand someone or understand what they are saying, you know what they mean. 明白 (某人的话的意思)

verb [vi. 不及物动词]理解,懂得;了解,明白(某事物);谅解,体谅;得知,听说;默认,默许;领会,推断出;解释 - I fully understand your motives.


/spiːk/v. 讲,说
When you speak, you use your voice in order to say something. 说话

verb [vi. 不及物动词]谈话,交谈;说,讲述;(会)讲(某种语言);发言,演讲;(不用言语)表明,显示;代表……讲话,充当……的代言人;(发言或写作中)提到,谈及;以……方式说;表达(思想、观点);(乐器或其他物体)发出特有的响声;(猎狗)吠 - She was too stunned to speak.

过去式 spoke 

与 say - said 的区别

  • speak: A. 说话的能力;B. 语言
  • say: 说话的内容

对某人说: say to sb. \ speak to sb 

  • The baby is too young, he can’t speak.这孩子很小,还不会说话。
  • He said, “It’s right.” 他说这是对的。
  • I can speak French. 我会说法语。

hand *

/hænd/n. 手
Your hands are the parts of your body at the end of your arms. Each hand has four fingers and a thumb. 手

noun [具体名词]手;(钟表的)指针;一局牌,一手牌;帮助,援手;工人;船员,水手;支配,掌管;作用,影响;鼓掌,拍手喝彩;<文>字迹;一手之宽(用来测量马匹的高度);<旧>(女方的)允婚;表演艺人,制作工匠 - The hand of someone or something is their influence in an event or situation. 影响 We're in safe hands.  我们得到妥善的照顾。

verb [vt. 及物动词]交,递;支持,搀扶;卷(帆) - If you hand something to someone, you pass it to them. 递...给... •  He handed me a little rectangle of white paper.  他递给我一小条白纸。

  • minute hand 分针
  • second hand  秒针 (二手的,旧的)
  • hour hand 时针
  • wait me a moment 等我一下
  • wait me a few seconds (for a few secs.) (secs.是seconds 的缩写)
v.传递 hand sth. to sb.She hands the phone to me.


🇬🇧/ˈpɒkɪt/ 🇺🇸/ˈpɑːkɪt/n. 衣袋
A pocket is a kind of small bag that forms part of a piece of clothing, and that is used for carrying small things such as money or a handkerchief.

noun [专属名词]衣袋,口袋;钱财,财力;(附在某物上的)小口袋,小容器;<南非>(用作贸易计量的)(农产品)袋;(与周围不同的)小群体,小区域;(台球)网袋,球袋;岩石或地层中充满矿石或其他物质的空洞 - A pocket of something is a small area where something is happening, or a small area which has a particular quality. (与周围区域不同或孤立的) 小块地区

verb [vt. 及物动词]把…放入口袋;把……装进腰包,将……据为己有;赚取,获得(钱财);击(球)入袋;收敛,抑制(感情);包,围 - If someone who is in possession of something valuable such as a sum of money pockets it, they steal it or take it for themselves. 将…据为己有(pick one's pocket)

adjective [原级]袖珍的,袋装的 - You use pocket to describe something that is small enough to fit into a pocket, often something that is a smaller version of a larger item. 袖珍的

  • inner pocket 内口袋;
  • jacket pocket 夹克的口袋;
  • coat pocket 大衣口袋
  • pocket book 袖珍书;
  • pocket dictionary 袖珍词典
  • pocket pick 车上的小偷
  • pocket money (小孩的)零花钱change 零钱
  • get exact change 准备好正确的零花钱
  • beer money (男人的)零花钱


🇬🇧/ˈfreizbuk/ 🇺🇸/ˈfreɪzbʊk/n. 短语手册,常用语手册

noun [专属名词]常用语手册,短语手册 - Why did the man need o phrasebook?


/freɪz/n. 短语
A phrase is a short group of words that people often use as a way of saying something. 惯用语; 警句

noun [专属名词]短语,词组;惯用语,习语;乐句;(芭蕾)舞句 - We bought a Danish phrase book.

verb [vt. 及物动词]用……方式表达,以……措辞表达;把(乐曲)分成短句 - Who coined the phrase 'desktop publishing'?


🇬🇧/ˈsləʊli/ 🇺🇸/ˈsloʊli/adv. 缓慢地

adverb [程度副词]缓慢地,慢慢地 - My anger slowly drained away.


🇬🇧/ˈhʌrɪdli/ 🇺🇸/ˈhɜːrɪdli/adv. 匆忙地

adverb [方式副词]匆忙地,仓促地 - I hurriedly got up and dressed.

cut *

/kʌt/v. 割,切
If you cut something, you use a knife or a similar tool to divide it into pieces, or to mark it or damage it.切; 剪

verb [vi. 不及物动词](尤指用刀)切,割,砍,剪,削,剁;削减,缩减;删节,删减;停止,切断(供应);抄近路; (为决定谁先出牌等)切牌,抽牌 - Johnson cut himself shaving.

noun [具体名词](从动物躯体上)割下的一块肉;(尤指通过不诚实手段获得的)份,份额;(在山中开出的)通道;伤口,划口;(锋利物留下的)开口,破口;(数量或尺寸上的)削减;理发,发型 - The cut needed eight stitches.

adjective [原级]缩减的;割下的;雕过的;阉割过的 - You've had your hair cut!

① vt. &vi. 切,割,剪

  • Would you please cut the cake in half?
  • I read this story in the paper this morning and cut it out for you.今天上午我在报纸上读到这个故事便给你剪下来了。

cut one's hair = have a hair cut 理发

  • cut the tree 砍树
  • cut down the tree = cut the tree down 砍倒树
  • cut the head off 砍脑袋 (off = away from)
  • cut off electricity 切断电源

cut sth. into pieces 把……切成小片(碎)

② vt. 割破,划破

  • cut oneself 割伤自己

③ vi. 横穿,穿越(介词用 across/through) cut across/through 直着穿过

  • The road cuts across/through the forest. cut a corner 走捷径,超近路
  • When you learn English, never cut a corner. No pains, no gains. 一分耕耘,一分收获。


🇬🇧/ˈθɜːstɪli/ 🇺🇸/ˈθɜːrstɪli/adv. 口渴地

adverb [方式副词]口渴地;如饥似渴地 - He read through the newspaper thirstily.

go *

🇬🇧/ɡəʊ/ 🇺🇸/ɡoʊ/v. 走
When you go somewhere, you move or travel there. 去; 行进

verb [vi. 不及物动词]去,走;(尤指与某人)去(某处或出席某项活动);可能要,打算做;移动,行走;在移动中做;做某个动作;离开 - I went home for the weekend.  我回家过周末了。

noun [专属名词](游戏或活动中)轮到的机会;尝试;<英>精力,活力;<美>某事顺利进行;围棋 - I always wanted to have a go at football.  我一直都想尝试踢足球。

adjective [原级]<非正式>运行正常的 - unctioning properly and ready for action: esp used in astronautics 尤指航天器械运行正常可随时启动的 •  all systems are go


/ɡriːt/v. 问候,打招呼
When you greet someone, you say "Hello" or shake hands with them. 向…问好; 迎接

verb [vi. 不及物动词]欢迎,迎接;对……作出反应;映入眼帘,扑鼻而来;<苏格兰>痛哭,哭泣 - She floated down the steps to greet us.