
/ʃuːt/📚 8003 16 4四级 六级 考研 高考
If someone shoots a person or an animal, they kill them or injure them by firing a bullet or arrow at them. 射死; 射伤

verb [vt. 及物动词]开(枪或其他武器);射杀,射伤;发射(子弹等);狩猎,打(猎物);投(球),射门;玩,打(某种游戏);(高尔夫运动中)击出(……杆);拍摄(电影、照片等);(使)急速移动;将(目光、问题或话语)转向;(朝特定方向)急速延伸;迅速(成名),一举(成功);猛长,激增(shoot up);(疼痛)穿刺;闩(门闩),拔出(门闩)

  • The police had orders to shoot anyone who attacked them.  警察得到命令可以向任何袭击他们的人开枪。

noun [抽象名词]射击;嫩芽,新枝;(照片或电影的)拍摄;<英>狩猎;<英>狩猎区,射猎场;射猎会,射击比赛;斜道,滑运道(=chute);急流,奔流

  • Shoots are plants that are beginning to grow, or new parts growing from a plant or tree. 新芽
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