
/fel/📚 19222 10 1六级 考研 托福
Fell is the past tense of . (fall)的过去式 If trees are felled, they are cut down. 砍伐

noun [专属名词](尤指英格兰北部的)山(冈),丘陵,高沼地;采伐的木材数量;<古>兽皮,生皮

  • a mountain, hill, or tract of upland moor 高地沼泽的山丘或土地

verb [vt. 及物动词]砍伐;击倒;把(接缝的边)缝平; 掉下,跌落(fall 的过去式形式)

  • Badly infected trees should be felled and burned.  严重感染的树木应该被砍掉并焚烧。

adjective [原级]凶恶的,残暴的;和丘陵、小山有关的

  • cruel or fierce; terrible 凶残的; 可怕的
fell 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 099&100 Ow!
Lesson 30 Football or polo?
Lesson 92 Asking for trouble
Lesson 9 Flying cats