out of fashion


out of fashion


这个短语的基本结构是:"out of" + 名词(通常是 "fashion")

1. Bell-bottom pants are out of fashion now.(喇叭裤现在已经过时了。)
2. That hairstyle went out of fashion years ago.(那种发型几年前就不再时兴了。)
3. Neon colors were popular in the 80s, but now they're considered out of fashion.(霓虹色在80年代很流行,但现在被认为已经不时髦了。)
4. High-waisted jeans are back in style after being out of fashion for a while.(高腰牛仔裤在一段时间过后重新流行起来,之前曾经过时。)
5. She refuses to wear anything that she considers out of fashion.(她不愿意穿任何她认为过时的服装。)

这个短语用于描述某个事物或风格不再流行的情况。它可以指涉衣着、发型、设计风格等各种潮流元素。当某个事物或风格被认为不再时尚时,我们可以使用 "out of fashion" 来表达它已经过时或不再受到欢迎的意思。